General Information

Central Aroostook County’s climate can be classified as a typical continental type.  Winters run from early November to late March, with snowfall averaging about 110 inches per season.  The average first freeze is mid September, and the average last freeze is mid May.  Summers are temperate and have abundant rainfall which is one of the most important factors in the high yield of diversified crops.  Temperatures range from a daily average of 76 degrees F. in the summer, 52 in the fall, 19 in the winter and 46 in the spring.  The average yearly maximum temperature is 48.9 and the minimum average for the year is 29.6 degrees.


Our Career Center/Job Service, located in Presque Isle, is usually the first place to carry any job opportunities available.  Also, check out the weekly paper The Star Herald.  You may wish to start with our Temp service in town, they often lead to permanent positions, or offer flexible work schedules. 

If you need transportation to the Presque Isle area, we are served by Northern Maine Regional Airport, PenAir and Cyr Bus Lines.

For information on other services in the area please visit our Member Directory. You may also go to the Contact Us tab and send us a specific inquiry. We will respond as soon as possible.


Public Transportation

Career Center/Job Service
 Maysville Street, Presque Isle, ME  
 (207) 760-6300
Tempo Employment Services
 40 North Street, Suite 3, Presque Isle, ME
 (207) 764-0772           
Northern Maine Regional Airport
650 Airport Drive, Presque Isle, ME
(207) 764-2550
650 Airport Drive, Presque Isle, ME
(800) 448-4226
Cyr Bus Lines
700 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME;
Mars Hill One Stop
(800) 244-2335

Distances from Major Centers

Distance in Miles from  Bangor, Maine    
                                    Portland, Maine   
                                    Boston, MA
                                    New York, NY 
                                    Philadelphia, PA 
                            Quebec City, Canada
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